Corticosteroids Proven Safer than NSAID to for Gout Patients

Corticosteroids Proven Safer than NSAID to for Gout Patients

For the treatment of inflammation, doctors usually recommend one of two routes: NSAID pain relievers, or corticosteroids. NSAIDs, or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in their non-acronymic form, encompass standard painkillers like Ibuprofen and Aspirin. Once...
Your Gout Medicines May Work Better If You’re Married

Your Gout Medicines May Work Better If You’re Married

For patients with gout, being married appears to increase urate-lowering therapy adherence, according to a study published by Xin Hui Jasmine Chua, Siriwan Lim, Fui Ping Lim, and Yee Nah Anita Lim, in the June 15 edition of Journal of Clinical Nursing, which in an...