Who’s Liable for the Opioid Crisis?

Who’s Liable for the Opioid Crisis?

Earlier in the summer, President Donald Trump declared a national state of emergency regarding the opioid crisis in the United States. The broad class of drugs known as opioids function by acting on the body’s opioid receptors to reduce the sensation of pain. In...
Lupus News: Patients Are More Likely to Develop Atherosclerosis

Lupus News: Patients Are More Likely to Develop Atherosclerosis

According to the Lupus Foundation, approximately 1.5 million citizens in the United States live with the autoimmune disorder known as Lupus. A study performed by French researchers indicates that people afflicted with systemic lupus erythematosus are also more likely...
Is There a Relationship Between Lupus and Dementia?

Is There a Relationship Between Lupus and Dementia?

Certain autoimmune diseases like Lupus may also be linked to dementia. The condition, which tends to occur more frequently in women and is infamous for its detrimental impacts on joints and the skin, can impact organ systems throughout the body. A study by Daniela...