Is There a Relationship Between Lupus and Dementia?

Is There a Relationship Between Lupus and Dementia?

Certain autoimmune diseases like Lupus may also be linked to dementia. The condition, which tends to occur more frequently in women and is infamous for its detrimental impacts on joints and the skin, can impact organ systems throughout the body. A study by Daniela...
Is Gun Violence a Public Health Crisis?

Is Gun Violence a Public Health Crisis?

The Las Vegas mass shooting that killed 59 people and wounded several times that many, definitely raised new concerns over the potential of gun violence as a public health crisis. Along with the dead and wounded in this massacre, it also caused high numbers of...
What the Changes to Blood Pressure Guidelines Means For You

What the Changes to Blood Pressure Guidelines Means For You

On November 13, 2017, the American College of Cardiology (ACC) presented updated guidelines for diagnosing high blood pressure. The condition was previously defined at a reading of 140 over 90 and has now been adjusted down to 130 over 80 while eliminating...