3 Questions Your Patients May Ask About the Flu Vaccine

3 Questions Your Patients May Ask About the Flu Vaccine

As we approach the colder months of the year, like December and January, flu season is soon to follow. Patients that fall victim to the flu will experince many symptoms varying from aches, sore throat, sneezing, and exhaustion. If the 2019 season is anything like last...
How to Manage Arthritis in the Summer

How to Manage Arthritis in the Summer

The summer has arrived. Most parts of the country are seeing the hottest weather of the year this month. For people with arthritis, heat can cause an increase in flare-ups. Humidity and high temperatures increase swelling in the body, which is why your pain might seem...
About the Decision not to Take Osteoporosis Medications

About the Decision not to Take Osteoporosis Medications

Multiple factors contribute to the decision not to take osteoporosis medications, with fear of adverse events topping the list, say researchers in a paper published online in the Journal of the American Pharmacists Association. In the study, researchers collected...